Thursday, April 28, 2016

Summer Reading 2016

 I am done with my first year of college and my Summer Break starts in just five days, which means almost three and a half months of me being able to read as many books as I want and it allows me to read all of the books I've been dying to read for a while but haven't got around to yet.  I am off from school for about fourteen weeks and I am hoping to read about two books per week and if I do that I'll read about 28 books.  Some weeks will be more productive, because some weeks I'll feel like reading more, some weeks I will be less busy and some weeks I will be participating in read-a-thons. However, my goal is to read 20 books this Summer, just incase I am not as productive as I think I'll be, but If I read more that will be amazing!

Here are the Read-A-Thons I Am Planning On Participating In This Summer:

(Be on the look out for future blog posts to find out more information)

Bout of Books


Here Is My Summer To-Be-Read List:

TBR Jar Pick For June

TBR Jar Pick For July

Most of the time when I make a TBR list I don't read all of the books, but I like to have a lot to choose from. While I may not get through all of these books this summer, as long as I get through a lot of them I will be happy! What are you reading this summer?

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