Brodi Ashton's book follows the protagonist; Nicki Beckett who disappeared six months ago into an underworld called the Everneath. She is given a second chance to see the love of her life; Jack Caputo, her family and her best friend Jules, and to make everything between them right again. She only has six months left to say her goodbyes before the shade inside her drags her back down into the tunnels forever.
“Tell me, friend. Is there more for us?"
I looked into his eyes, "There is everything for us.”
Meet Jack Caputo with warm brown eyes and dark hair. The quarter back of the football team who has been Nicki's friend since she was eleven years old and slowly captured her heart and made her fall head over heels for him.
“He was at once severe and beautiful, and the more the played, the more I felt surrounded by that cushion as well, as if I could fall and never hit the ground, as long as he was playing.”
Meet Cole who has blonde hair and is hot in this mysteriously wearing black and leather all of the time way. A member of The Dead Elvises and a dreamingly attractive guitar player that can play your heart strings and captivate you.
This book had me hooked from the very beginning and I hated whenever I had to put the book down to eat or even go to sleep. Moments put a big smile on my face and made my cheeks rosy red, other moments made me want to throw the book across the room and made me feel like someone was stabbing me constantly in the heart. Oh the feels, oh the feels. My heart has been filled with joy and then stepped on and broken into a thousand tiny pieces.
Brodi Ashton's world building and descriptions of the characters made me feel like I was going through the pain Nicki was going through and like I was there with her saying goodbye to the people that mean the most to me. I also couldn't help falling head over heels for Jack Caputo and feeling like he was mine and I was his. Cole, on the other hand; is the type of character you love to hate. At times I wanted Nicki to fall into his arms and give into him, but other times I thought he deserved to get slapped in the face.
This book was beyond amazing and had me on a roller coaster full of emotions. Even though I know I should hate Cole, I want to love him and fall for him just as hard as I did for Jack. At the end of this book I still don't know if I am team Jack or team Cole, and I will definitely pick up the next book in this series soon, because I don't know how long I can hang on this cliff!